Young Artists at Work at YBCA: Video Arts Class

So Far Gone…

Gabby's ID Pic

Hey it’s Gabby, up to this point in the program things are going fairly well. The other interns are nice, along with our teachers, Jose, Isaias, Darren, and other unknown staff of the YBCA, they are all welcoming and enjoyable. At YAAW we have been learning movement of body through the Chakras and Capoeira dances. We learned a bit of getting in touch with our inner selves, physically and mentally. We have also been learning video production, storyboards, brainstorming, and key concepts of media literacy. This will ultimate lead to our very own creation and ideas of webisodes. And so far I have learned a lot from creating a proper storyboard, the understanding of video vocabulary, and also the elements of team work in video production team.

A reason I decided to join YAAW is because I want to develop my artist side as much as possible in any way that I can. The YAAW program is a great resource for young artist like myself and I am very content that I am part of an ardent place the YAAW can be. In the near future I hope to create work that I can be proud of. I hope to develop and gain knowledge that can be interpreted in a artistic point of view from any type of creation or work.

Comments on: "So Far Gone…" (1)

  1. I updated your blog with a picture and a more tag. You can change the pic later if you want. Thanks for sharing this.

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