Young Artists at Work at YBCA: Video Arts Class

I found this fan-made music video while trying to search for an official video of the song “City of Delusion” by Muse. It uses scenes from the movie Sin City throughout the video to correspond to the lyrics. Ever since I saw this video, I have been dying to see the actual movie, though I would prefer to find a DVD of it rather than watch it online.

I love how the movie is shot mostly in black and white in respect to the story’s neo-noir genre from the original graphic novel series. It also adds a dramatic tone to the scenery and helps create a sense of dystopia as most of the city seems bleak and dark.

2:30 – 3:00

I really like how from 2:30 to 2:33 the camera is focused on the rear-view mirror of the car so that it focuses on character’s eye and shows the cars chasing after him blurred in the background. The mirror takes up the entire center row of thirds of the zoomed-in straight shot and provides depth to the point of view.

From 2:38 to 2:45, the camera zooms in from a distance and follows the character as he runs off the building. It stops zooming in once the character’s entire body is clearly in perspective but it still follows him as he jumps off. The  The song adds more tension and suspense as it builds up and is about to go into the chorus.

Throughout this clip, I noticed that, among the black and white, that there is some color that stands out. Red lights are shown from the police cars as they chase after the character who happens to drive a red car. I assume that this color represents either passion or blood due to the nature of the film.  It could also give more emphasis on the character who is driving the red car, pointing out and highlighting that he is a main character. I think I would have to watch the movie itself to really figure out the color’s significance.

Comments on: "Sin City – City of Delusion (Muse Music Video)" (1)

  1. Great description of the clip. I found how they made this movie very interesting, with all those digital effects.

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